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oph:cluster:storage [2024/11/19 09:30] – [Technical characteristics:] no ACL diego.zuccato@unibo.itoph:cluster:storage [2025/02/06 16:07] (versione attuale) – [/home/] nuovo sito per /home/web
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   * **/home/work**: Used as a work area for jobs that do not need very big datasets or need to have lots of files in a single directory (not recommended since this might degrade performances for all users!). **Per-sector quota** of 1TB (soft) / 2TB (hard).   * **/home/work**: Used as a work area for jobs that do not need very big datasets or need to have lots of files in a single directory (not recommended since this might degrade performances for all users!). **Per-sector quota** of 1TB (soft) / 2TB (hard).
-  * **/home/web**: web access is read-only and it is not possible to create dynamic pages. This space is web-accessible at '''' **Per-sector quota** of 1TB (soft) / 2TB (hard) except astro with 4.4TB/7TB.+  * **/home/web**: 
 +    * This space is web-accessible at '''' (and also from old '''' via an automatic redirect). 
 +    * web access is read-only and it is not possible to create dynamic pages. 
 +    * **Per-sector quota** of 1TB (soft) / 2TB (hard) except astro with 4.4TB/7TB. 
 +    * Requires either index.html or .htaccess file with ''Options: +Indexes'' to be browseable
 ==== Technical characteristics ==== ==== Technical characteristics ====
oph/cluster/storage.1732008656.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 2024/11/19 09:30 da

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