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oph:cluster:startupguide [2024/04/09 04:53] – [Data storage area: /scratch] diego.zuccato@unibo.itoph:cluster:startupguide [2025/02/10 11:29] (versione attuale) – aggiornato indirizzo IP del frontend
Linea 8: Linea 8:
 Once authorised, one could access the cluster via ssh protocol. The required password is the one of your university e-mail. From the Linux terminal, type the following instruction: Once authorised, one could access the cluster via ssh protocol. The required password is the one of your university e-mail. From the Linux terminal, type the following instruction:
-  ssh name.surname00@ +  ssh name.surname00@ 
-(you can use any other ophfeX address instead of 50.71)+(you can use any other ophfeX address instead of
 Once logged in, you will land on the [[oph:cluster:jobs|Frontend]], the workspace shared by all users that is employed to submit jobs and access datasets stored in memory. Once logged in, you will land on the [[oph:cluster:jobs|Frontend]], the workspace shared by all users that is employed to submit jobs and access datasets stored in memory.
oph/cluster/startupguide.1712638392.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 2024/04/09 04:53 da

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