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oph:cluster:introduction [2025/02/10 11:31] – aggiornati indirizzi IP dei frontend, rimosso riferimento ad ophfe3 mario.petroli@unibo.itoph:cluster:introduction [2025/02/10 12:17] (versione attuale) – agguinto riferimento alla pagina di accesso per gli IP dei frontedn
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 For a more detailed description of the hardware features and access policies of the different groups of nodes see the [[oph:cluster:resources|Resources]] section. For a more detailed description of the hardware features and access policies of the different groups of nodes see the [[oph:cluster:resources|Resources]] section.
-The access to the infrastructure is provided by three frontend servers, with static IP address (ophfe1) and (ophfe2), that can be used to connect and transfer data to the cluster using the standard protocols ssh, scp, rsync.+The access to the infrastructure is provided by three frontend servers that can be used to connect and transfer data to the cluster using the standard protocols ssh, scp, rsync. The updated instructions for the access are placed in the [[oph:cluster:access|Access]] section. 
oph/cluster/introduction.txt · Ultima modifica: 2025/02/10 12:17 da

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