
Brief guide for OpenFoam usage

Some versions of OpenFOAM have been installed on the cluster and other utilities and versions can be implemented. At present, a module for OpenFOAM has not been created, but the source code has been compiled directly. It is recommended that modules be created in the future or that the containerApptainer will be used for maximum stability and compatibility of the different versions.

Which OpenFOMA is installed?

Installed versions of OpenFOAM can be found in /home/software/atmos/OpenFOAM/ and are continuously being updated. The following versions of the OpenFOAM Foundation fork are currently installed:

For any version updates or installation of additional software, please contact Dr C. Cintolesi

How to load and use OpenFOAM

OpenFOAM modules must be loaded into the configuration file .bashrc located in your personal home directory on the cluster. It is recommended to load a current use version by default by adding the following string:

 source /home/software/atmos/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-9/etc/bashrc

which, for example, loads version 9. For other versions, substitute the desired version number. It is also recommended to load the configuration file of all versions by adding the following line:

 source /home/software/atmos/OpenFOAM/

so that you can switch from one version to another via the following aliases: goOF6 (version 6) and goOF9 (version 9).